What information is available about me on the internet

You will be surprised at the information that will be revealed about you and your system when you visit this website! The web browser you use, your operating system – in my case Windows 11, the hardware specs, security software, IP address, broadband speed, security issues if any, geolocation, contents of your clipboard, Communication Ports, Referer page, Contents of the X-Forwarded-For (XFF) HTTP header and more. It will show you your location on the map, whether your device offers touch, the display resolution, color depth, DPI, your Time Zone, Device orientation, Network details, installed browser plugins, Network adapter status, Battery charge level, Battery charging status and more. It will also start your webcam and your microphone/speakers for you. In some cases, you will need to be using Firefox or Chrome, like in the Webcam detail and in other cases, you will need to be using Internet Explorer, like when revealing Clipboard data theft. Head over to System-Scanner.net and get ready to be surprised!

  There is a desktop version as well as a mobile version. An add-on for the Chrome browser is also available at the Chrome Store. Read: Things you should be not sharing on social sites. The System Scanner website does not collect any personal information about you other than website usage data and that which you choose to provide when you use the website – nor does it save it anywhere.

What can people find about me on the Internet?

Nowadays, people can almost anything about you on the internet since you share your personal details on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Apart from that, there are some web tools that allow users to find all the information available on the internet about them. For example, system Scanner is one of the best websites, which shows your browser information, plug-ins, network information, internet speed, security information, geolocation, time, display resolution, operating system information, etc.

What information does my browser show?

Almost everything browser collects several things when you use them. For example, what website you open and for how much time/how many times, cookies, saved passwords, downloads, etc. On the other hand, it may also collect which network you use, your broadband or Wi-Fi information, and more. If you have saved your address and other details on a website, your browser may collect that data as well so that you can fill in the form accordingly. If you want to stay safe and private online and browse anonymously, you might want to consider using a free VPN software. Read this post if you would like to remove your name and information from Search Engines.