What is GPT Partition

GPT Partition. Image source: Wikipedia A GPT Partition is a standard for the layout of the partition table on a physical hard disk, using Globally Unique Identifiers. MBR is the abbreviation of Master Boot Record, and MBR disks are the ones that contain different sectors containing boot data. The first sector, that is, towards the beginning of the disk contains information about the disk and its partitions for the OS to use. However, MBR disks have its limitations, and many newer models of a computer are moving towards GPT disks.

Limitations of MBR Disk

An MBR formatted disk can have only four primary partitions and can manage data only up to 2TB. With data storage needs increasing, the GPT (GUID Partition Table) disks are now being sold with newer computers, that can address more than 2TB of storage. MBR disks reserve the first sector of the disk for storing information about the disk partitions and location of the operating system files. In other words, the firmware and operating systems rely on this first sector for proper operation of the disk. If the MBR goes corrupt, you may lose general access to the data on the disk. In the case of GPT disks, the disk information is replicated more than once, and hence such disks work, even if the first sector gets corrupted. A GPT disk can have up to 128 primary partitions. Legacy operating systems may not support GPT disks, but almost all current operating systems, from Windows XP 64-bit onwards to Windows 8.1, support usage of GPT disks.

MBR Disk vs. GPT Disks

The main points of comparison between an MBR Disk and GPT Disk are as follows: Read: How to check if a Disk uses GPT or MBR Partition.

How To Convert GPT Disk To MBR Disk

To convert a GPT disk to MBR, first of all, you will have to remove all the partitions. Before you do this, you will have to back up all the data from the disk to another disk or storage media. You can accomplish a backup using third-party tools or the Windows Backup Tool. Go to Control Panel and from Administrative Tools, select Computer Management and from the window that appears, select Disk Management. In the resulting window, that shows all disks and disk partitions in the right panel, right-click and select delete for each of the partitions of the disk that you wish to convert to MBR. Once all partitions are deleted, you will be left with one whole disk (shown as an undivided chunk in the Disk Management window). Right-click on this disk and select “Convert to MBR disk”. It will take a little while before Windows converts the disk into MBR and then formats it for making it usable. You can now create partitions using the usual Shrink Disk command or a free third-party partition manager software such as EaseUS Partition Tool or Aomei Partition Assistant. For a detailed read, check out our post on how to convert MBR to GPT Disk without data loss. You may need to convert to MBR if you have to use a 32-bit Windows operating system on the computer. The best method would be to use two disks, one MBR, for booting purposes (the system disk) and the other GPT for storage purposes. But if you have only one disk, convert it to MBR, else it may not boot after you install, say, Windows 7 32 bit operating system to the disk. So please be careful. This was just some basic information about GPT Disks. If you need more, you can refer to the following resources: This post will help you if your receive Selected GPT formatted disk partition is not of type PARTITION BASIC DATA GUID error.

What is GPT Partition or GUID in Windows 11 10 - 54What is GPT Partition or GUID in Windows 11 10 - 87