What is mDNSResponder.exe?
For clarification, mDNSResponder.exe belongs to Bonjour for Windows, i.e., a Service associated with this task. When you connect an Apple Device or install iTunes on your computer, the application is installed as well. You can think of this as a communication or network interface for Apple devices on Windows. It is useful when you use iTunes to share your library. One instance of iTunes can discover another iTunes shared library on the same network using Bonjour.
Is the mDNSResponder.exe process important?
The process is associated with an Apple service and is not a part of the operating system itself. Thus, it isn’t necessary that it keeps running in the background. However, iTunes or other Apple associated programs need it. If you connect Apple devices with your computer or use share iTunes library, the program is essential. This process doesn’t require a lot of system resources and wouldn’t bother your work. If you want to disable the Bonjour process use the following method.
You can also consider deleting the Bonjour application from the Programs and Features window to avoid such problems.
Is mDNSResponder.exe/Bonjour a virus?
A virus can have any name in a system. To verify whether a process is a virus or not, we usually check its path from the Task Manager. However, in the case of Bonjour, it is a regular program file in the Programs folder. We cannot differentiate it be merely checking the location. The legit process is located at – %PROGRAMFILES%\Bonjour\ folder. Check its File Properties and if you feel, run a reputable anti-virus program on the system. I hope, your query about what is the application mDNSresponder.exe is answered in this post. Want to know about these processes, files or file types? Sppsvc.exe | Windows.edb files |csrss.exe | Thumbs.db files | NFO and DIZ files | Index.dat file | Swapfile.sys, Hiberfil.sys & Pagefile.sys | Nvxdsync.exe | Svchost.exe | RuntimeBroker.exe | TrustedInstaller.exe | DLL or OCX files. | StorDiag.exe | MOM.exe | Host Process for Windows Tasks | ApplicationFrameHost.exe.