The occurrence of this error depends upon different situations. Sometimes, it also occurs because of some changes that might have performed by the hosting company. In general, there’s not much you can do to sort out this problem. However, here are some easy tricks that may help you to fix this error. So, let’s get started.

How to fix 403 Forbidden Error

Before you begin to fix 403 Forbidden Error, you need to know what is the actual reason for occurring it. This error mainly occurs when you try to access a webpage that is totally forbidden. It means you are trying to reach such a place where you don’t have the permission to visit. Different types of webservers display this error in different forms. Here are some common variants of 403 Forbidden errors that you may encounter:

Error 403HTTP 403Forbidden403 ForbiddenError 403 – ForbiddenHTTP Error 403 – ForbiddenHTTP Error 403.14 – ForbiddenForbidden: You don’t have permission to access [directory] on this server

As I said earlier, most of the time you can’t do much to fix this error. Sometimes, it occurs only for a short while but sometimes it doesn’t. So, to fix 403 Forbidden Error, follow these all possible methods: Let us see them in detail

1] Refresh the Page

Sometimes 403 Forbidden Error occurs temporarily, and only refreshing the page may solve the problem. In most of the web browsers, you can use the F5 function key to refresh the page. Otherwise, you can also reload the page using the button available on the address bar. It doesn’t determined to fix the problem but it takes just a second, so you may give it a try.

2] Check the URL again

Sometimes this server-side error also occurs because of the mistyped URL address. Therefore, make sure the URL address you have entered to access any specific web page is correct.

3] Clear Cache and Cookies of your Browser

Chances are here that your cache has been entered wrongly. In other words, the page with the error is cached in your web browser but the original link may have changed on the site. To check out this possibility, you must have to clear out the cache and cookies of your browser. This process completely works behind the scenes and normally it doesn’t affect the browsing experience. However, it doesn’t assure that this step will fix the issue, but it is a major diagnostic step that requires to do.

4] Contact the Website directly

As a next workaround, contact the site owner directly if you can. This may be likely that this troublesome error is a mistake, everyone else is noticing it but the website is still unaware of the issue. Most of the websites have support-based maintenance accounts on social networking sites. It will certainly make easier to have access to them. So, find out such information and contact them through the supported email address and the phone numbers.

5] Contact your Internet Service Provider

If the “403 Forbidden Error” is still persisting even after following the above steps, you need to contact your internet service provider as a last resort. But before that make sure that their customer service is currently working for others. Actually, it seems that your public IP address or the entire ISP ending up on a blacklisted. So, contact your ISP and let them know about your concerning issue. Hope this helps! Read: What is 404 Page Not Found error?