First of all, I ensured that Windows Firewall was switched off to ensure that the Firewall was not the culprit. It did not help. I’ve read somewhere that WiFi printers could also cause the issue while using the Remote Desktop feature, so I disconnected them too but that too did not solve the problem. I came around the following solution and it worked:

Remote Desktop disconnects frequently

  1. Press Windows Key + R; type sysdm.cpl and hit Enter. Switch to Remotetab. Make sure you have selected the options highlighted in the below image:

  2. Moving on, press Windows Key + R combination, type put Regedt32.exe in Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.

  3. Navigate to the following location:

  4. In the right pane of this location, look for the registry string (REG_SZ) named ObjectName, if you’re really facing the issue, then this string must have Value data as LocalSystem. Double click on the same string to modify its Value data:

  5. In the above-shown box, input the Value data as NT Authority\NetworkService. Click OK then and close the Registry Editor and reboot the machine to get the issue fixed. Hope the fix helps you. Related posts:

No Remote Desktop License Servers; Remote session disconnectedThe connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote loginRemote session was disconnected. No Remote Desktop client access licenses available.